
Job Talent idea


Talent idea

"Talents of hard work, dedicated professionalism, honesty and trustworthiness, teamwork"

  • Human Resources Concept

    Adhere to the principles of fairness, justice, openness, competition, and job matching, use the industry and company development prospects to attract people, use the development platform to nurture people, use visions and goals to inspire people, and stay with an open, inclusive and collaborative corporate atmosphere Live in, encourage talents to continue to innovate and enter a broader stage.

  • Human Resource Mechanism

    Regarding talents as the most important wealth of the enterprise and the driving force for the long-term development of the enterprise, through the establishment of a talent cultivation mechanism for echelon selection, a fair and scientific performance evaluation mechanism, a systematic training mechanism for different categories, and a reasonable and rich welfare distribution mechanism to build a long-term enterprise and employees A win-win community of interests to realize the common growth of the company and employees.

  • Human Resources Goals

    Adhere to the "people-centered" concept of corporate development, attract, train and retain high-level talents closely related to the company's industry, create an elite talent team with a reasonable allocation and optimized structure; form effective macro and micro human resource development and management capabilities , To form a humane and efficient management of employees at all levels; to continuously improve and innovate the salary and welfare system, to adapt to the corporate brand and scale, to protect reasonable flow, and to provide a solid guarantee for the stable backbone of the workforce; to shape the image of an excellent employer in the chemical fiber industry and build The "learning organization" employee growth mechanism effectively promotes the common development of employees and the company.

Employee world


  • Position
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