
About us Company profile

about us

Company profile

Furniture established in 1989 across 2 generations, Adwin Furniture has been passionate and committed in delivering inspiring furniture design. Over the years, their business have grown around the world across all continents. They are strategically located in Jiashan which is only around an hour drive from Shanghai.

For the past 31 years, they have both preserved their fine craftsmanship and transformed their factory with sophisticated machineries. By implementing creative management system and stringent quality controls, they have exceeded their customer expectation consistently. Their marketing, design and research development teams continue to integration with their respective market segment. 

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International partners

  • 國際合作伙伴
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Domestic partners

  • 國內(nèi)合作伙伴
  • 11
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  • 微信圖片_20200820105216

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