
Brand Brand infor

Brand design

Brand infor

Company uses the product as the carrier to create the value of the product itself, design a fashionable, Nordic modern home style, create a product marketing market with high quality and high price technology, and provide processing services for hundreds of well-known brands. "Customer Orientation, Focus on Professionalism" is the company's marketing philosophy. Services and products create the future, adding advantages to your brand and creating value.

Design concept

Rich and diverse color matching, flexible and diverse design, simple and lively lines, fresh color matching, each space and life are handled ingeniously in space, making the whole room warm and not lacking in touch, simple and connotative, in this In this kind of space, the heart will also be younger.

Simple composition, diversified combination methods, rich and complete system changes, and different space atmospheres to create a personal and integral, practical and unique professional image style. The simple arc-shaped desktop design is stylish and light, and the use of modular attached cabinets makes the space expand and extend.

Case show

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    Case Show
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    Case Show
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    Case Show
  • Case Show
    Case Show
  • Case Show
    Case Show
  • Case Show
    Case Show
  • Case Show
    Case Show
  • Case Show
    Case Show

Design team

Company currently has more than 500 employees and an excellent management and technical team. It is a furniture manufacturer integrating product development, production and sales.

  • Design team
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