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Furniture cleaning tips to help you easily solve your life troubles

Editor:嘉興艾德文家居用品有限公司 │ Release Time:2020-07-14 

Furniture is frequently used in every family, and it is prone to dirt or breakage once it takes a long time. Especially when cleaning during the Spring Festival, facing the stubborn dirt on the furniture, it is often difficult to start, and sometimes it takes a lot of time to clean it. Here are some tips to help you solve your life troubles easily.

1. Clean with white vinegar. Use an equal amount of white vinegar and hot water to wipe the surface of the furniture, and then wipe vigorously with a soft cloth. This law applies to the maintenance of mahogany furniture and the cleaning of other furniture contaminated by ink stains.

2. Toothpaste cleaning. The dirt on metal furniture is not stubborn, you can wipe it off slowly with a soft cloth dipped in toothpaste. If the stain is stubborn, it doesn't matter. Just squeeze more toothpaste on a soft cloth, and then rub it repeatedly, several times, the metal furniture surface can restore the metal luster, like new. This principle is actually very simple, because the toothpaste contains abrasives, which has a very strong detergency, and of course small stains.

3. Clean the sofa. The fabric sofa at home accidentally encountered stains, so first wipe it with a clean cloth soaked in water. If we don't want to leave traces of stains, we first wipe from the outside of the stains inwards. If it's a velvet sofa, don't get wet and clean it with dry cleaning agent.

4. Tile cleaning. When the tiles are stained with thick and heavy grease, you can cover the tiles with toilet paper or paper towels, spray the detergent and leave it for a while, so that the detergent will not drip everywhere, and the grease will all float up. Just tear off the toilet paper and wipe it with a clean cloth dampened with water one or two more times. As for the stubborn dirt that cannot be removed, cotton cloth can be used instead of toilet paper.

Learning these little coups for furniture cleaning can be of great help to home life, and cleaning can also extend the life of furniture.

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